Big Hotels: 5 takeaways on the state of revenue management … Good for Small Hotels, Too.

But revenue management in a time of shrinking profits for hotels is even simpler than that for small hotels. The first 3 elements discussed at The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) conference in Toronto deal with the data.  While … Continued

Meet Your Competition And Add A Little More . . . A Guaranteed Way To Fail!

Copycat competition NEVER allows you to distinguish yourself and your business in your marketplace! Too often, a business will attempt to compete in their marketplace by surveying the competition and matching their performance and offerings.  They will then do their … Continued

Does Your Meeting Area Project A Radiant Distinction Reflective Of Your Hotel?

Besides being clean, attractive, and up-to-date, does it have the higher tech features that are needed and desirable by those who will use your meeting space?   A high-speed Wi-Fi for the participants which is also free builds the relationship … Continued

What Two Words Should We Be Saying To Customers?

Yes, of course, we should be saying, “Thank You,” but what two are often more important? Any idea what those 2 words are? Do you emphasize them to your staff? Check out what @scottmckain says about them.#HotelMarketingDominator — Hotel … Continued

Be Distinct In Your Marketplace. Don’t Drown In The Sameness Of Your Competition!

Scott McKain points out that when all businesses around you are the same, it is not all that difficult to stand out or present your distinction to the potential guests in your market area. Of course, once you have taken … Continued

Secret: How To Distinguish Your Inn In Your Marketplace

Personality – the magic element that connects you with your target audience and differentiates you in a unique way from your competitors. Don’t sell hotel rooms, but instead sell character, personality, and spirit – the traits of great hospitality. Captivate … Continued

TIP: How To Fill Your Hotel One Weekend Every Month

How would you like your hotel one weekend every month with National Guard soldiers? You should be thrilled with that thought! Having your hotel or motel full one weekend each month with National Guard soldiers is a great way to … Continued

Tip: How You Can Distinguish Your Hotel And Help Your Local Community In A Disaster!

Distinguish your inn as you help your community in any natural disaster! If there is a disaster in your area, such as a fire, tornado, flood, or snow storm, you can very helpfully engage with your community in the relief … Continued

Profit Tip: Possibly THE Most Important Area for Creating Positive (or Negative) Impressions of Your Hotel

Imagine that you are having an event at your hotel.  A guest has scheduled a reception in a meeting room for a group of local business representatives or wedding guests and the nearby restrooms for their guests are NOT pristine. … Continued

Create That ‘We’ve Been Expecting You’ Guest Experience

We have all heard how important a first impression is and how you never have an opportunity to make one a second time. Scott McKain, the Master of Distinction, points that out so successfully. The latest Daily Dispatch of Distinction! … Continued